Hey, welcome to freeideas.net, where we share free ideas to help make the world more interesting.
10/21 Ideas:
Placebos, for everything: There have been many studies showing that placebos can be effective even when you know they are placebos. Therefore, we should all we be taking a personalized placebo pill every morning that helps us achieve our goals. This service would allow you to easily choose what type of placebo pill you’d like to take and send it via mail.
A-cow-ntability: It would be a license, like you would need to have in order to drive a car, specifically enabling people to eat beef. To get the license, you have to kill a cow (while staring it in the eyes). You are then given your very own beef license and are free to go and eat as much beef as you would like! More details here.
Rooms you want to escape from: It’s like a regular escape room, but instead of mystery scenarios, you are put into very awkward situations (like a long claustrophobic elevator ride with strangers).
Duolingo, but for accents: It is one thing to impersonate an Australian accent. It is another thing to impersonate the Australian accent well. This platform would train you in accents, so it’d be easy to speak like a Brit or Northeastern or French or Southern character.
Lawyers for non-legal settlements: Perhaps you are in an argument with your friend. What you want is someone like a lawyer who could provide a fair, unbiased assessment of who is in the right (even though the situation does not deal with the law).
Favorite submissions:
The Great Wall of Air Fryers: Replace your oven with a modular Wall of Air Fryers. If you already own an air fryer, this idea is obviously great. If you do not, get one, and then you will understand. (Via Brendan McG)
The Big Bang: A movie that’s just Christopher Nolanesque footage of epic explosions of all sorts. In Hi-def. Lots of slow-mo. Amazing sound design. 2 hours long. No plot. iMAX. (via Christian Hale)
Pal: A wearable collar for your dog that uses AI to translate its heartbeat, barks, and movements into messages you can read on your phone. (via Gaby Goldberg)
Have an idea? Want to free it? Email it to ideas@freeideas.net.
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If you have ideas for our ideas, or general feedback → email us: ideas@freeideas.net.